ENT Clinic
The MMA’s ENT Clinic provides diagnostics, surgical and conservative treatment of all pathological conditions related to the ear, nose and throat. It is divided into three organizational units: otologic, rhinologic and laryngological. Owing to the modern equipment and highly qualified staff it is possible to have the most contemporary diagnostic and surgical procedures in the field of ENT at the Clinic.
The bed capacity of the Clinic is 45, out of which 38 are for the adults and 5 for children. Within the Operational theatre there are two state of the art ENT surgical rooms, at the Outpatient Clinic there are the ENT specialty ward with two infirmaries as well as ENT functional diagnostics where all modern diagnostic procedures are performed in the field of audiology, vestibulology, rhinology and laryngology. There are two infirmaries at the MMA’s ENT functional diagnostics and one operational room for endoscopic laryngology surgery, including laser surgery.
Apart from the complete ENT examination, it is also possible to have numerous diagnostic and surgical procedures at the ENT Clinic.
The military insured patients and civilian referrals can seek services with Otorhinolaringology Ward within its hours of operation (from 07.30 a.m. to 03.00 p.m.), Monday through Friday. Self-pay patients can visit this Ward during its afternoon working hours between 03.30 p.m. and 07.30 p.m., Monday through Thursday.

MMA’s Information Office:
+381 11 266 11 22, +381 11 266 27 55
Head of the Clinic: Colonel Prof. Milanko Milojević, M.D.,Ph.D
Tel: +381 11 367 28 14
Administration Office: +381 11 360 87 87

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