The Paper Awarded at the European Congress of Otorhinologists in Barcelona
03. 10. 2011
The paper devoted to "Angiofibroma arising from the middle turbinate: an immunohistochemical study’’ authored by the group of doctors from the Military Medical Academy, among whom were Dr.Aleksandar Perić and Assist. Prof. Dr. Nenad Baletić from the Otorhinolaryngology Clinicas well as Prof. Dr. Snežana Cerović and Assist. Prof. Dr. Biserka Vukomanović-Đurđević from the Pathology Institute, was awarded at the Congress of the Confederation of the European OtorhinolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery (ORL-HNS) held in Barcelona, Spain, in July 2011. Dr. Perić was the winner of the award for the best presentation of the said paper.
The Congress was the greatest European otorhinolaryngology event ever held, with over 4000 registered European and international participants. The Military Medical Academy was presented at the Congress by 7 doctors from the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic and its Functional Diagnostic Unit. What deserves to be mentioned is the fact that the paper of Serbian doctors was not the best among those from Serbia but among those coming from the territory of the Former Yugoslavia to be awarded that prestigious award. There were only twenty doctors who received poster presentation awards.