
CME about Life-Threatening Situations

15. 04. 2015

The Course in the field of life-threatening situations in hematology, toxicology, rheumatology,and gynecology organized by the Training Center of the Military Medical Service, Sector for Education and Scientific-Research MMA will be held on April 20, 2015 at the MMA.
The course is organized for doctors and accredited under No. A-1-1699 / 14. The score for lecturers is 12 and for attendees 6 points and there will be placement and final tests for course participants.
The registration fee for the course in the amount of RSD 3,000 has to be paid to the account number VMA - 840-742313843-22 with reference number 97-62601955627.
Members of the Defense Ministry do not pay the registration fee.
All interested can apply by sending the completed application form and proof of payment of the registration fee to tcsnsl@vma.mod.gov.rs The original copy of the registration fee payment should be submitted to the organizer at the following address: Military Medical Academy - Training Centre of the Military Medical Service, Crnotravska 17, 11 000 Belgrade.
Contact person for all necessary information:
Colonel Dr. Zoran Dimović, Tel: 011 3608 365, 064 8743 062
Mrs. Snezana Zukić, Tel: 011 3608 390, 066 8715 824

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