Voluntary Blood Donation by Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces
07. 09. 2014
The action of voluntary blood donation organized by the Defence Ministry and Serbian Armed Forces started at 9 a.m. on the plateau in front of the Ministry.
The first of many who gave a gift of this valuable fluid in special transfusion vehicle of the MMA Institute of Blood Transfusion and Hemobiology was a Defence Minister Bratislav Gašić. He expressed his expectations that many people would respond to this humanitarian action.

He also sent the message that Serbia always needed unity and solidarity as the preconditions for better chances in many fields.
After this human act Minister of Trade Željko Sertić said he answered this action of the Ministry of Defence due to the need of togetherness to help everyone in emergency as well as "to pull the economic life of Serbia at the course we want to thanks to solidarity".

Blood was also collected by the members of Minister of Defence and General staff managing board, accompanied by members of the Serbian Armed Forces who were so numerous that being addressed to the Military Medical Academy.
In total 126 members of the defence system donated the blood in the Institute mobile unit and 35 at the Military Medical Academy.
PFC Oliver Rudaj of the 250th Rocket Brigade’s 2nd Rocket Division gave his blood for ninth time following his basic motivation to help people in trouble.
-Almost all the members of my unit who are not on call today or engaged on the other duties responded to this action, although the response would be bigger if there have not been organized a similar activity in our unit, cited PFC Rudaj.
-Almost all the members of my unit who are not on call today or engaged on the other duties responded to this action, although the response would be bigger if there have not been organized a similar activity in our unit, cited PFC Rudaj.