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The International Day of Nursing Marked at the Military Medical Academy

12. 05. 2020

Minister Vulin: I have not heard anyone say no and not willing to help people
The International Day of Nursing was marked at the Military Medical Academy. The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin, the State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense, Bojan Jocic, the Head of the Military Healthcare Department, Major General Dr. Uglješa Jovićić PhD, Head of the Military Medical Academy, Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic, employees of that military healthcare institutions and guests.
Congratulating the holiday on behalf of the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, Minister Vulin pointed out that the President insisted on improving the position of medical technicians and nurses, because he knew how important they were.
- It is difficult to imagine a harder job and a job with a higher risk to health than yours, which often goes without gratitude and attention. Your contribution and heroism in the fight against the Covid-19 virus may be seen more now, but you do it every day and you will do your job even when the cameras go off - said the Minister of Defense and added that it was the job of nurses and technicians to be with people who suffered, for which he thanked them.
I might not recognize many of you without a mask, but with masks I recognize you very well and I know well what your eyes looked like in some of the difficult moments in some of the hospitals, where we were together, when we learned what awaited us and faced unknown, said Minister Vulin.
- I did not hear that someone said no, and that he did not want to help people. You were there, you asked more about patients and what they need then about what you need - said the Minister of Defense and added that such a relationship restored faith in people in these difficult times.
In the time behind us, we did everything we could to improve your standard and employ a larger number of people, to enable many who worked under various contracts to finally get a permanent employment status, said Minister Vulin.
- We may have remained indebted to those who guarded and treated us in 1999, during the NATO aggression. We have never paid special attention to military medical service, to those who pulled the wounded or dead from the front lines, and in the years to come I want to find ways, for the sake of history, but also for you and for the future, to repay those people - Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin said, congratulating the holiday and thanking the members of the military healthcare service for the honorable performance, expressing hope that soon they will see each other without masks and gloves.
Welcoming the gathering, the Head of the Military Medical Academy, Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljević pointed out that due to the Covid-19 pandemic this demanding job of a medical staff was even more complicated.
- In the previous nine weeks, with great effort, the power of the military nurse has been confirmed once again, which throughout history has proven to be the dominant symbol of the quality of military medical care, said the MMA Head, adding that medical technicians and nurses have proven how difficult, valuable and rewarding their profession is and how much recognition and rewards this profession deserves.
- This year, two medical technicians have been unanimously selected as the best, who are still on two "combat" lines - fighting COVID-19, i.e. corona virus, in Covid military medical center Karaburma and at the admission-triage emergency service of the Military Medical Academy, pointed out Colonel Vukosavljevic, reminded that more than 100 medical technicians, who are still in the Covid hospital in Karaburma, testify to the importance of the Military Medical Academy for the second line of defense against the virus.
Congratulating all the nurses and technicians on the holiday, the head nurse of the Military Medical Academy, Bojana Jovanović, pointed out the importance of today's celebration, adding that the nurse's vocation is noble and selfless, serious and responsible.
According to her, modern society is still facing numerous and insufficiently researched diseases and we are witnessing the fight against an invisible enemy that is trying to destroy the health system on a global level.
- In the first front line, in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, risking their health and life, nurses and technicians invest all their knowledge and skills in the prevention and care of the sick, providing assistance to vulnerable people, their families and society as a whole. The MMA medical technicians, cultivating a strong team spirit, once again prove that they are an important lever of the military and health system in general, which significantly contributes to improving the health status of all citizens of the Republic of Serbia - the MMA head nurse pointed out, remainding that the World Health Organization declared 2020 the International Year of Nursing.
Recognizing the importance of that profession, as the head nurse Bojana Jovanović pointed out, the Military Medical Academy enabled the admission of 140 nurses and technicians to permanent employment during the past year, and steps have been taken to educate that staff.
In the traditional selection, the best technicians from the MMA in the year behind us are Milan Radojković from the MMA Emergency Center and Daliborka Radišić, from the Clinic for Anesthesia and Resuscitation, and several technicians and nurses from various organizational units of the Military Medical Academy were awarded.
The Minister of Defense awarded military commemorative medals for exceptional results in military service, for the first time to military officers Daliborka Dragišić and Marija Bradić, and several members were awarded a seven-day stay in the facilities of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Army, intended for rest and recreation.
One of the awarded, Milan Radojković, the head technician of the MMA Emergency Center, stressed he was personally honored because of recognition and on behalf of his colleagues.
- My colleagues are also part of this team and this award. We started at the Emergency Center even before the emergency situation, took all preventive measures and formed a triage service. Statistics showed that about 14,000 patients passed through the triage tent, and more than 9,000 patients were examined during the pandemics, Radojković pointed out.
Daliborka Radišić highlighted that she was honored as a nurse standing at the place where they were awarded, on the day when the International Day of Nursing was celebrated. She also used the opportunity to thank all the citizens for the great support they provided to her and her colleagues during the past days of the fight against the virus.
- Without your support, we would not have succeeded, although I have a lot of experience in working during emergency circumstances, for me this has been the biggest professional challenge so far. I am the head nurse of the hospital in Karaburma, and I want to confirm to you that we are doing everything to help people and return to our families as soon as possible, said Daliborka Radisic.
International Nursing Day has been traditionally celebrated since 1974, on May 12, the day Florence Nightingale was born, who is considered the founder of modern medical practice.

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