
The First Thoracoscopy in Case of Kyphosis Performed at MMA

25. 04. 2014

The first combined video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and classical surgical correction of congenital spine deformities in children has been performed at the MMA Clinic for Neurosurgery.
The surgical correction of spinal column congenital kyphosis, as the consequence of congenital verterbra disorder in a 15 year old boy has been carried out by Lt. Col. Dr. Milenko Savic, specialist from the Clinic for Neurosurgery and Lt. Col. Dr. Nebojsa Maric, specialist from the Clinic for Chest Surgery. During the first part, they performed endoscopic thoracoscopy, approaching through the chest cavity, without classical opening procedure. On this occasion large vessels have been divided and spinal column loosened in order to approach deformity from down part. In further part, the stoop deformity has been completely corrected and spinal column screw fixed thus making the boy mobile already the next day.
The advantages of this combined surgical approach are shorter operation, less blood lose, possibility to completely correct the deformity, as well as faster post recovery of the patient. All these factors are extremely important when speaking about sensitive categories of patients as children and senior persons.

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