Symposium of Ophthalmology at Military Medical Academy
21. 09. 2012
The 4th Biannual Symposium with international participation named "Modern Trends in Ophthalmic Surgery" was held at the Military Medical Academy on September 21, 2012. Organized by the MMA’s Clinic for Ophthalmology, Serbian Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery and Serbian Vitreoretinal Society, it gathered the leading ophthalmologists from the USA, Europe and surrounding countries with the same aim of sharing the latest achievements in the field of ophthalmology.
Opening this year event, the MMA’s head Brigadier General Prof. Dr. Marijan Novakovic pointed out the longevity and quality of the MMA’s surgery tradition in all medical branches as well as in the ophthalmology. He expressed his satisfaction with the fact that the surgeries were performed by three young MMA’s surgeons showing that way the special attention dedicated to education and training issues of young professionals. The head of the MMA’s Clinic for Ophthalmology Col. Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic showed his appreciation to all the participants at the Symposium, especially the foreign guests who provided with the proficiency and reputation rendered this meeting a high quality.
In course of the program, the surgery procedures were performed live from three operative rooms by the physicians of the MMA’s Clinic for Ophthalmology as follows: Colonel Dr. Milorad Milivojevic, Major Dr. Nenad Petrovic, Dr. Marko Kontic. For the first time in live surgery there was presented the implantation "Express Shunta" in glaucoma surgery. In addition, the attendees had the opportunity to closely view the cataract surgeries using Phacoemulsification method withimplantation of multifocal and toric "premium group" contact lenses, as well as the eye diopter correction using the Excimer lasercornea surgery (Lasik and PRK).
The eminent professors and surgeons from the USA, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Suisse and the region also took part in the work of Symposium, such as Prof. Dr. Thomas John from Loyola University, Chicago who is also the guest professor of the MMA’s Medical School of the Belgrade University of Defence; Prof. Dr. Klaus Lucke from the Bremen University, president of the European Vitreoretinal Society (the Serbian Vitreoretinal Society is its member); Dr. Carel Claes from Antwerp, Belgium as one of the ten best world vitroretinal surgeons and well-known in our country by the unselfish help provided both to the patients and his colleagues, the other vitroretinal surgeons; Major Prof. Dr. Bojan Pajic, Geneva University and Asst. Prof. Tatjana Josifova, Basel University, the Suisse eminent surgeons for the posterior and anterior eye segment.
The following lectures were delivered by the Prof. Dr. Vladimir Pfeifer and Dr. Mojca Globocnik Petrovic, Slovenia; Prof. Dr. Nikica Gabric and Prof. Dr. Iva Dekaris (president of the European Eye Bank Association) from Croatia; Dr. Melisa Ahmetbegovic, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Dr. Naum Trpenoski, Macedonia. Among the lecturers from Serbia there were Prof. Dr. Ivan Stefanovic, Serbian Clinical Center, Prof. Dr. Dragan Veselinovic, Clinical Center Nis and Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic from the MMA’s Medical School.