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Resuscitation Course at MMA

22. 11. 2013

Course “Basic Life Support (BLS) and Automated External Defibrillator (AED)”, organized by the MMA Clinic for Anesthesiology and Critical Care was held at the Military Medical Academy.
Through the lectures, presentations and practical work in small groups, the attendees had the possibility to improve their knowledge for heart arrest early recognition, measures for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and early defibrillation procedure and application, as well as automated external defibrillator application. The aim of the realized education was the improvement of work and raising the level of competence and readiness among the qualified medical staff.
Course program, made after the European Resuscitation Council model, was managed by certified instructors, namely, Lt. Col. Dr. Dusko Jovanovic, Dr. Ivana Krstic-Lecic and Lt. Col. Dr. Dragan Djordjevic.

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