OPCW Meeting in The Hague
17. 06. 2013
Scientific Advisory Board of the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) held its 20th session from 10 to 14 June 2013 at the OPCW headquarters in The Hague, Kingdom of the Netherlands. As the member of the OPCW supreme advisory board, the event was attended by the Head of the MMA National Poison Control Center Prof. Dr. Slavica Vucinic. The role of Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) provides the OPCW Director-General the specialized advices, within his ingerences, to the Executive Board or member states concerning the sciences and technologies and according to the Chemical Weapons Convention. Scientific Advisory Board comprises 25 independent scientists working in the Convention relevant fields who are appointed by the OPCW member states.
The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) outlaws the development, production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons as well as its destruction. As the first multilateral arms control agreement demanding weapons of mass destruction total elimination under effective international control and verification in precisely determined time interval, it has created the essential conditions for more effective collaboration.
The Republic of Serbia as OPCW active member and country which fulfilled the most important Convention obligation always improves and develops the collaboration with Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and its member states. All our capacities, expertise and skills are available because the collaboration and assistance provided to the countries they need represents a major importance for fulfilling as soon as possible and completely the obligations given by the Convention.
During long time collaboration the Ministry of Defence and Military Medical Academy have with Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the MMA National Poison Control Center participated in numerous training courses for instructors attending the education at the MMA and CBRN Personnel Training Center while collaboration continued during this year. Republic of Serbia and OPCW organized June 3-7, 2013 the 9th International Basic Aid ad Support Course in CBRN Center in Krusevac gathering also the lecturers from the Military Medical Academy.