Norveška delegacija na VMA.JPG

Norwegian Delegation at MMA

22. 04. 2015

The delegation of the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Norway, headed by the Secretary of State Eistan Bo, who is on a visit to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, visited the Military Medical Academy too.
The Acting Head Col. prof. Dr. Zoran Segrt conveyed his gratitude to the Norwegian delegation for the excellent cooperation with the Military Medical Academy, for all assistance that has arrived so far hoping that it would be continued in the future. He informed the delegation about the main treatment activities, scientific research and education at the MMA, as well as about the work of the MMA Faculty of Medicine. In addition, guests were informed in detail about the development of a regional project of the Balkan Military Medical Task Force concept, in which Serbia is a framework nation.
The Secretary of State Bo said that the Norwegian side appreciated current cooperation with MMA in the framework of bilateral military medical cooperation, and that he wanted to convey a strong message that it would be continued in the future.

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