
News in the field of children’s health care

26. 02. 2018

The meeting of the Sections for pediatric, perinatology and children's surgery of the Serbian Medical Society (SMS) organized by the Children's Dispensary of the Military Medical Academy was held in the Military Medical Academy.
Assistant Chief of MMA Colonel Prof. Dr. Radovan Cekanac in his introductory speech emphasized the quality cooperation of the MMA pediatrics with the SMS sections. He noted that traditional meetings, such as those held for the 16th time in the MMA, were an opportunity to share knowledge about prevention, diagnosis and treatment, but also to harmonize attitudes regarding the health care. As he said, talking about recognized problems in the treatment of the youngest patients as a particularly sensitive population put in the first place a need to provide precise answers to parents and eliminate all possible dilemmas they might have aiming at health protection of the youngest population and at the same time observing contemporary medical standards.
After the announcement of the events and important professional meetings during the year that were discussed by Prof. Dr Nedeljko Radlovic, Dr. Milica Rankovic, PhD and Dr. Predrag Ilic PhD, the expert meeting covered current topics in the field of transplantation and regenerative medicine, children's surgery and neonatology. Also, a paper about hemobiology and clinical application of stem cells was delivered by Bela Balint, a correspondent member of the SANU from the Institute of Transfusiology and Hemobiology, MMA, varicocele in children was held by Prof. Dr. Andjelka Slavkovic from the Clinical Center Nis, the contemporary principles of surgical treatment of urolithiasis in children was presented by Dr. Predrag Ilic from the Institute for Health Protection of Mother and Child of Serbia "Dr Vukan Cupic". Dr. Vesna Marinkovic PhD from the Institute of Neonatology spoke about the importance of minimal enteral nutrition in prematurely born children of very low body mass.

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