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News from Rheumatology

26. 12. 2012

A regular meeting of the Serbian Medical Society’s Rheumatology Section under the organization of the MMA’s Clinic for Rheumatology took place at the Military Medical Academy on December 25, 2012.
The Clinic’s chief Prof. Dr. Dušan Stefanović announced the clinical treatment illustration of two patients at Military Medical Academy, from their anamnesis until the last results, during professional part of the Meeting.
Diagnostics, treatment and therapy methods along with the use of different medicaments used in gout treatment have been presented by Asst. Prof. Branislava Glišić, while Prof. Dr. Milan Petronijević spoke about transverse myelitis in systemic lupus erythematosus and necessity of multidisciplinary treatment approach. All steps were described in detail, since disease determination to the conclusions and percent of therapy efficacy concerning these diseases.
A working part of the meeting, thereafter, included the election of new presidentship chaired by Prof. Dr. Nada Vujasinović-Stupar from the Institute of Rheumatology, Belgrade.    

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