
New liver and kidney transplants in the MMA

29. 01. 2018

Liver and two kidney transplantations were done during the weekend at the Military Medical Academy in cooperation with the Clinical Center Kragujevac.
Kidney transplantation was performed in two patients R.G. (1972) and N.DJ. (1989) and liver transplantation in a patient M. M. (1962). All three patients are in stable condition and are under constant medical supervision.
Owing to the humanity of the family of an organ donor from Kraljevo, the mobile surgical teams of the Military Medical Academy (MMA) and the Clinical Center of Serbia (CCS) explanted the liver, kidneys (MMA) and heart (CCS) on January 28, 2018 at the Clinical Center Kragujevac.
Thanks to the excellent collegiality of medical teams and their rapid reaction, liver and kidney transplantations were done in a record-breaking speed at the MMA, and heart transplant at the Clinical Center of Serbia.
This is the first liver and the third kidney transplantation at the Military Medical Academy in 2018, thus continuing the long-lasting successful work of the transplant team. Last year, 20 kidney (six cadaveric, 14 living donors) and two liver transplants were performed.

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