
Minister Stefanović visits Karaburma military hospital

27. 11. 2020

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, visited the Karaburma military hospital today, where he talked to the hospital’s management and staff and expressed once again gratitude to all health professionals in Serbia, especially those working in the military health system, for everything they had done in the past period.
We talked to the hospital commander, Dr Udovičić, Dr Taušan and the medical staff who have been working here day and night for months and are currently taking care of 126 seriously ill patients. More than 5000 people have been treated in the military health care Covid system so far – Minister Stefanović emphasized.
He noted that the Karaburma military hospital was specific in that Covid patients with the most severe symptoms were sent there.
- People who work here fight tooth and nail for every life, for every person and of course, they fight to keep the personal health risk to a minimum. I talked to them about their working conditions, about what else we can provide to help them and what they do for every patient in this military hospital. My impression and the impression of the majority of citizens is that our doctors, nurses, technicians and everyone else participating in the military and civilian health systems are doing a great job for all of us, risking their own health - Minister Stefanović pointed out.
According to him, that is why we all must put in maximum effort in making their job as easy as possible.
- Dr Udovičić says that they are organizing a New Year’s Eve party, because they are all going to be here in the red zone at that time, and that is why I call on the citizens of Serbia not to join them, so that no one else gets infected, and to act responsibly and help our doctors by making their job easier.
I hope that, thanks to the vaccine, which has started arriving in Serbia, as President Vučić promised, and mass vaccination next year, we will be able to go back to normal life and that all this will be a thing of the past soon – Minister Stefanović concluded.
In the presence of the Head of the Military Healthcare Department, Major General Uglješa Jovičić, the Karaburma military hospital commander, Colonel Ivo Udovičić, informed Minister Stefanović about the current situation in this military medical centre and during the visit, Minister of Defence talked to health workers in this hospital, which has worked continuously since March 2020 and where most of the military health care employees have been engaged.
As for the situation in other military health institutions, 442 patients are currently being treated at the Štark Arena temporary Covid hospital, 19 at the Novi Sad military hospital and 37 Covid patients at the Niš military hospital.

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