Military presentation plaques for joint medical engagement awarded
22. 03. 2018
The ceremonial award of military presentation plaques for the participation and support to joint medical engagement in the territory of the Pcinj District (municipalities of Vranje, Bujanovac, Presevo), carried out in September 2016, was held at the Military Medical Academy. Besides the members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces (SAF), the ceremony was attended by State Secretary of the Ministry of State Administration and Local Government Ivan Bosnjak.

On behalf of the Head of the Military Healthcare Department – who was in charge of activities, the Deputy Head of the Military Medical Academy Col Prof. Dr. Dragan Dincic thanked all the present for their responsible task. He emphasized the extraordinary cooperation of the main commanders, as well as all 147 rewarded participants who were dedicated to the exercise.

Colonel Miroslav Brocic, the co-ordinator of joint medical engagement, also addressed the awarded of military presentation plaques and said that plaques were a reminder of the work organization model in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and the importance of joint forces with one goal.
Military presentation plaques were awarded on the occasion of the international military medical exercise engaging member staff of the Ministry of Defence and SAF, the National Guard of Ohio and the Armed Forces of Angola. During the 15 days of joint medical teams’ engagement, medical and dental examinations of the local population were organized and around 2000 patients were examined.