
Military presentation plaques for joint medical engagement

02. 03. 2018

On the occasion of the Military Medical Academy Day, military presentation plaques were handed over for the full support in the exercise of the "Joint medical engagement of members of the Serbian Armed Forces and the National Guard of Ohio".
Head of the Military Health Care Department Colonel Dr. Ugljesa Jovicic handed military presentation plaques to the Chief of General Staff General Ljubisa Dikovic, Army Commander, Lieutenant General Milosav Simovic, Chief of the Cabinet of the Minister of Defence, Brigadier General Sinisa Radovic, Head of the Human Resources Department of the Sector for Human Resources of the Ministry of Defense, Brigadier General Mile Jelic, Deputy Commander of the Air Force Brigadier General Sava Milenkovic, Chief of the Logistics (J-4) of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Brigadier General Zeljko Ninkovic, Commander of the Central Logistics Base Brigadier General Peter Latkovic and former commander of the Fourth Brigade of the Army Brigadier General Retired Zoran Lubura.
On that occasion, Colonel Jovicic emphasized that without such assistance and support from the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, such a complex medical exercise with a human character could not have been realized.
A fifteen-day exercise "Joint medical engagement of the Serbian Armed Forces and the National Guard of Ohio member staff" was carried out in September 2016. The team consisting of 31 member staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, 26 member staff of the Ohio National Guard as well as four-member staff of the Armed Forces of Angola as observers rendered services that included free medical examinations for the residents of eight villages in the municipalities of Presevo and Bujanovac, which are distant from health institutions in the cities.
It was a humanitarian assistance where 2,000 patients were examined in 15 days, having performed 3,500 examinations.

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