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Military healthcare in the fight against Covid-19

15. 01. 2021


Since the beginning of the Covid-19 virus pandemic, military healthcare has been continuously and courageously providing assistance to the population in the fight to suppress the pandemic.
For more than 10 months, members of the military healthcare have been at the forefront of the fight against the vicious virus and continue to justify the trust of citizens in the Serbian Armed Forces and military healthcare.
The military Covid hospital of the Military Medical Center "Karaburma" has been working without interruption since April last year, and its capacity is 135 beds. Currently, 102 patients are being treated, and 1,633 patients have been treated since its opening.
At the temporary Covid hospital in Stark Arena, with a capacity of 510 beds, 265 patients are currently being treated, and since its reactivation in October 2020 until today, 2,433 of them have been admitted and treated. In the previous wave, from July 6 to September 3, 2020, 434 patients were treated.
At the Novi Sad Military Hospital, currently 35 beds have been set aside for the treatment of Covid-positive patients, six patients are being treated, and from November 4, 2020 until today, 326 patients have been treated. In the first wave of the epidemic from July to September last year, 202 patients were admitted and treated.
As of December 5, 2020, the Military Hospital Nis with a capacity of 50 beds has been included in the Covid system. Since then, 134 patients have been treated, while 35 are currently being treated.
In Hall 1 of the Belgrade Fair, from March 29 to June 5 last year, 1,277 covid positive patients were treated.
Military doctors and medical staff continue to make a significant contribution in the fight against the Covid-19 virus in this difficult time, and through continuous work and dedication, they confirm that they are with their citizens even when it is most difficult.

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