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Meeting of the Occupational Medicine Section

24. 12. 2012

Military Medical Academy hosted the Meeting of the Serbian Medical Society’s Occupational Medicine Section, organized by the MMA’s Section for Preventive Medicine on December 21, 2012.
Colonel MS. Dr. Dragan wished a warm welcome to the numerous national experts gathered at this event. The professional part of the meeting included the following topics: improving methods of interpersonal work relations and prevention of mobbing, biomonitoring in professional toxicology, risk estimation and health promotion at work place as well as occupational disease frequency and working ability estimation. The lecture dedicated to the biological effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, namely the radiation from the mobile telephony and radar basic stations was one of the most visited. 
According to the decision of the Ministry of Work, Employment and Social Politics of the Republic of Serbia, the MMA’s Institute of Occupational Medicine gained the license for carrying out the examination assignments of the working environment in 2012. Thanks to this document the Institute has been accredited for preventive and periodical examinations of the working environment and applied security and work health measures.

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