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Meeting of Dermatologists Held at MMA

19. 04. 2016

The expert meeting of the Serbian Medical Society’s Section of Dermatology and Venerology organized by the Clinic of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Military Medical Academy was held at the Military Medical Academy.
The meeting agenda included lectures on the treatment of chronic diseases of sweat glands - Hidradenitis suppurativa. Due to the fact that this disease, depending on the stage of severity, requires very close cooperation between plastic surgeons and specialists in dermatology, lectures on the principles of conservative and surgical treatment were held by Acting Head of the Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseases MMA Prof. Dr. Lidija Kandolf Sekulovic and Head of the Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Burns Col. doc. Dr. Nenad Stepic. In addition to diagnostic methods, the latest treatment options for these difficult dermatological diseases were discussed about, but it was also mentioned that patients were insufficiently informed about all types of treatment, especially in the initial stages prior to the necessary surgery.
Clinical practice cases of MMA’s doctors were presented afterwards. The audience had the opportunity to learn about the therapy of some of the most common diseases in the field of dermatology as Panniculitis-like T cell lymphoma, aquagenic acrokeratoderma, dermatomyositis and other.

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