
Meeting held regarding the reconstruction of the MMA facility

30. 12. 2020

The Head of the Working Group for Monitoring Activities on Reconstruction and Energetic Sanitation of the Military Medical Academy, State Secretary at the Ministry of Defense Branko Zivanovic, at a meeting held at the MMA, introduced the participants to the group's activities so far within the project "Energy efficiency in public buildings and renewable energy sources in the distant heating sector ".
The meeting was also attended by the Head of the Military Medical Academy, Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic, who presented the current needs within the facility sanitation and stressed the importance of project implementation for the further functioning of the health institution he runs.
The participants of the meeting were also acquainted with the issue of maintenance of the facility, its systems and installations, and they also talked about the next steps in the realization of the project which is being implemented in coordination with the German Development Bank and the Ministry of Mining and Energy.

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