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Marked World Asthma Day

07. 05. 2015

On the occasion of the World Asthma Day, the Clinic for Pulmonology of the MMA organized consultations for all interested citizens in the hall of the Specialist Outpatient Clinic. The interest was great and in addition to information on disease’s symptoms and a treatment given by MMA’s physicians, 32 persons used the opportunity and performed the spirometry tests free of charge.
Marking the World Asthma Day is one of the ways to point to the spread of disease of which around 300 million people are ill, and it has been noticed that number of ill, especially children is increased in the last decade.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory airways characterized by increased reaction to different stimuli and airway obstruction due to mucosal edema, accumulation of mucus and smooth muscle spasm. Asthma is a disease with a wide spectrum of symptoms, which manifest themselves differently according to their frequency and intensity and can occur in all age groups. The key to the treatment of asthma is its recognition and proper treatment, and with asthma normal, active lives can be led if patients adhere to the recommendations and advice.

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