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MMA doctors at the neurological forum

11. 05. 2017

Neurologists, led by the head of the Military Medical Academy’s Group of neuropsychiatric clinics MMA Colonel Prof. Dr. Ranko Raicevic, also the president of the Society of Neurologists of Serbia, participated in the Adriatic neurological forum held from 3 to 7 May 2017.
At the Congress, which included more than 200 specialists from the region and abroad, Professor Raicevic held a lecture on oxidative damage in multiple sclerosis, while Major Dr. Viktor Pasovski spoke of the differential diagnosis of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, and lymphoma of the central nervous system at the session of young neurologists. Besides them, prof. Dr. Vesna Martic was a moderator of one of the sessions of this important international event.

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