
MMA Neurologists on the treatment of multiple sclerosis

22. 05. 2018

Neurologists of the Military Medical Academy led by the Head of the Group of Neuropsychiatric Clinics MMA Colonel Prof. Dr. Ranko Raicevic, actively participated in the work of the International Symposium "Multiple Sclerosis in Focus" held from 18 to 19 May 2018 in Belgrade.
At the Symposium that gathered over 200 participants, the leading European and the authorities of our country and countries in the region talked about the diagnosis and modalities of the treatment of this complex disease, with particular reference to indications and therapeutic protocols.
The expert meeting provided a unique focus on the conditions of MS patients’ lives and it was a chance to point out ways of improving their quality of life, regardless of the type of therapy they receive. According to Colonel Prof. Dr. Ranko Raicevic, one of the goals of the Symposium was to draw the attention of the wider community to a dialogue with patients due to the fact that in addition to health problems, patients also face numerous social and economic difficulties during their everyday activities.
According to research in Serbia, about seven thousand people suffer from MS and most of them are in the most productive years of life. Owing to innovative therapies, which have undergone a significant advancement in the last 15 years, the course of the disease has been significantly slowed down, thereby improving and prolonging the life quality of MS patients.

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