
Letter of Congratulations from the Chief of General Staff on the occasion of the Military Medical Academy Day

01. 03. 2018

Congratulations to member staff of the Military Medical Academy on March 2 – MMA Day.
Continuing the tradition of the Central military hospital from 1844, with continuous work improvement and European and world standards enforcement in the field of military health care, you have ensured the continuity of existence and become a top quality medical, educational and scientific research institution with internationally recognized reputation, important for the defence system as a whole.
Thanks to exceptional expertise and medical ethics at a high level, successful results in the field of treatment, preventive medicine, pharmacy, education and scientific research, you have become a recognizable symbol of our country, the best combination of tradition and trust.
I congratulate you the holiday with the desire to continue to achieve top results in the future and contribute to the strengthening of the military health care reputation.

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