
Letter of Congratulations from Defence Minister on the occasion of MMA Day

01. 03. 2018

On the occasion of 2nd March- Military Medical Academy’s Day, I congratulate the anniversary to all Academy member staff.
On that day in 1844, Prince Alexandar Karadjordjevic issued the decree on the establishment of the Central military hospital and that was a foundation of the Main military hospital, the forerunner of the existing Military Medical Academy. Continuing a two-century long tradition, owing to outstanding expertise, professionalism and code of ethics at a high level you have succeeded in gaining exceptional reputation both in our country and in the region.
You confirm you work with successful results in the preventive, secondary and tertiary medicine, treatment, teaching and scientific research work and you show at every moment what the sources of medicine present for you and given Hippocratic Oath.
I congratulate you the anniversary, wishing you to keep the status of our respected medical institution, convinced that you will be an important factor of the military health care in the coming period, that you will achieve remarkable results and have success in your work.

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