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International military medicine course completed

20. 10. 2017

The ceremonial award of the certificate on the completion of the international course for members of the military medical departments of the Ministry of Defence and the SAF in organization of the mobile team of the NATO Center for Excellence in Military Medicine from Budapest, Hungary, was held at the Military Medical Academy.
The ceremony was attended by the Acting Head of the Military Healthcare Department, Colonel Dr. Ugljesa Jovicic, and in his introductory speech he thanked the organizers and participants of the first course of this kind, which was a significant contribution to the previous military medical cooperation. He also emphasized the following steps in the training of military staff in the field of protection against bioterrorism.
The organizers commended the high level of knowledge of the participants of the training that was held at the MMA’s Training Center. This kind of the education contributed to the exchange of significant experiences between the lecturers and the participants.
During the three-day course, 21 participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with military doctrine according to international concepts and standards of organization and functioning of the military medical service. They also had the opportunity to master and perfect the skills they would use especially when engaging in multinational peace operations.
NATO Centers for Excellence are international organizations for the training and education of experts from NATO countries and partner countries. Through courses in various fields such as military medicine, civil-military cooperation, cyber defence and others, the trainees have the opportunity to improve in the development of doctrine and as well as interoperability and competence.

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