
Infrastructure donation to MMA heliport

22. 12. 2017

Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin and Director of the Civil Aviation Directorate (CAD) Ms. Mirjana Cizmarov signed an agreement on donation for heliport infrastructure development at that military medical institution.
On that occasion, Minister Vulin thanked the Directorate for Civil Aviation and the Director Cizmarov for a relationship that was full of respect and appreciation toward the Serbian Armed Forces (SAF).
- The SAF has today received 25 million dinars, which will improve the ability to help our beneficiaries, but not only ours, but everyone in need and who is transported here, said the Minister of Defence, adding that the transport of the ill and injured would be performed in the fastest and safest way.
Minister Vulin emphasized that the facility in question would have premises for staff, equipment and a patient, and that the heliport would comply with the highest world standards.
He expressed his satisfaction that the donation took place on the day the SAF marked the Day of the Air Force and Air Defence, pointing out that precisely an infrastructure donation to the MMA Heliport was to prove how much "we care about all our people in the Air Force, to all those who will transport future patients by these helicopters ".
- This is a proof and an indicator of how much the SAF is appreciated, respected, honestly loved, but also how important part of this society is. Every dinar that you invest in the SAF is the dinar that you invest in the standard of each of us, is the dinar that you invest in the security of each of us, is the dinar that you invest in a better life of every member of our society, not only members of the Serbian Armed Forces, said Minister Vulin stressing the pleasure that the Serbian society as a whole shows how much it appreciates and love the SAF.
Stressing that it was a great honor that on behalf of CAD she handed over the donation for the construction of infrastructure facility on the MMA heliport, Director Ms. Cizmarov noted that MMA’s heliport was the only one in the Republic of Serbia having the operational function necessary for the transport of the injured and ill to the MMA and other health care facilities in our country.
- The CAD, the Ministry of Defence and the Military Medical Academy continue with successful cooperation in the field in relation to infrastructure facilities improvement, primarily in civil aviation, which will, of course, serve for other purposes, that is, for the transport and management of the injured and ill throughout Serbia, said the director of the CAD, having expressed the hope that the next year they would open the facility for which the donation was handed over.
The signing of the Donation Agreement was attended by the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubisa Dikovic, State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Bojan Jocic, the Acting Head of the Military Healthcare Department Colonel Dr. Ugljesa Jovicic, and the Acting Head of the Military Medical Academy, Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic.
It is about the donation of 25 million dinars provided by the CAD, which will be used for the construction of facilities on a heliport that will enable the MMA to have a heliport according to the highest European and world standards.
The heliport at the MMA serves for the transportation of severe patients. The last reconstruction was two years ago and included the installation of complete lighting installations, which enabled helicopters to land in the night and in conditions of reduced visibility.

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