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Impressions from the Health Festival

26. 05. 2023

The Military Medical Academy participated in the 28th health festival held at the Serbian Armed Forces Building in Belgrade.
Medical teams of the MMA provided interested citizens with examinations and advice in the fields of cardiology, dermatology, medical biochemistry, and the greatest interest was in ophthalmological examinations of the front segment of the eye.
The festival was officially opened by the Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. Danica Grujičić, who drew attention to the care of mental health, which was one of the main topics at the professional panels and lectures dedicated to prevention. Head of MMA, Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljević, during his speech at the opening ceremony, pointed out that only together can we do great things and that the Health Festival is a good example of an inseparable partnership of civilian and military healthcare on a common task - fostering trust and improving the health of all citizens.
There was also a traditional discussion organized by the MMA with the daily newspaper "Politika" on current topics in the field of cardiology, occupational medicine and eye surgery.
Captain Dr. Nataša Živković Miljković spoke about arterial hypertension and combinations of drug groups. Speaking about the topic in focus, considering the number of patients in our country and in countries around the world, those present were given advice for prevention, but also explained the ways of regulating high blood pressure, gave practical advice and recommendations for treatment. Starting with therapeutic modalities, establishing a diagnosis, modifying lifestyle, diet and body weight, until combining groups of drugs necessary to find the ideal therapy, and finally adhering to the prescribed therapy, which achieves long-term results in cooperation with doctors.
Dr. Martin Popević's lecture was devoted to the medicine of sleep and a frequent but chronic disease, from which, according to data, about one billion people in the world suffer. For obstructive sleep apnea, as he stated, recognition of symptoms is a key diagnostic factor. He also mentioned that apnea for certain professions brings a special risk to health and life. Considering that approximately several hundred thousand people suffering from apnea in our country require therapeutic treatment, he spoke about the problem of diagnosis and the possibilities of therapy, associated diseases in which apnea occurs - obese, diabetic, cardiovascular, endocrinological patients and others, with a diversion attention to timely diagnostics.
Lieutenant Dr. Ivan Ignjatović gave a lecture on ophthalmologic surgery with a special focus on cataract surgery. Speaking about eye surgery, the differences in the most common diseases of the front and back segment of the eye, differences in approach and even diagnostics, various professional terms were explained to the attendees. There was also discussion about the occurrence, types and treatment of cataracts, which can be caused by the age of the patients, can occur as a result of trauma, and can be caused by certain drugs. Modern surgical methods of treatment including preoperative preparation and postoperative recovery are explained.

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