
Good results in 2017

29. 12. 2017

On the occasion of the upcoming New Year's and Christmas holidays, a meeting of the military member staff of the Military Medical Academy was held on December 29, 2017 at the Military Academy.
MMA Acting Head Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic congratulated the employees on the achieved results in 2017. He pointed out that the outgoing year was difficult, but also successful. At the beginning of the year, the stabilization, renewal and reforms were defined as priorities in the work, and all of this was done in parallel. A drop in the number of employees from previous years has been stopped, a public competition for hiring 15 doctors, one graduated pharmacist - medical biochemist, two pharmaceutical technicians and eight general medical technicians has been announced, and contracts with 23 professional soldiers - medical technicians who will be deployed from 8 January in the MMA clinics have been signed.
Statistics for 2017 till 1 December has shown that 388,174 examinations were carried out, 27,092 hospitalizations, 22,440 surgeries, 2,771,477 laboratory analyzes, and 7,728 liters of blood were collected. The liver transplantation process has been restored - from the beginning of 2017, two successful transplants, 20 kidney transplants (6 cadaveric and 14 live donors) and 60 hematopoietic stem cells transplantations (33 allogens and 27 autologous). Also, 22 methods have been introduced in treatment. A new laboratory system for the Preventive Medicine Sector and a new 160 – slice CT scanner - the fourth on the MMA were purchased. Also, a new MRI device, a stationary digital radiographic device and a mobile digital radiographic apparatus were supplied. A new MRI and gamma camera were purchased, which is expected to be installed in the first half of 2018, as well as equipment for the Eye Bank.
The 9th Class of Cadets of the MMA Medical Faculty of the University of Defence in Belgrade was enrolled. During 2017, 43 full professors, 32 associate professors, 44 assistant professors have been engaged at the MMA. Also, it should be mentioned that 32 scientific research projects have been conducted, 225 doctors have started different residency programs, and 96 continuing medical education programs have been implemented.
After a detailed analysis of drug and medical supplies, personal and logistical issues, education and scientific research, international military medical cooperation and other vital issues for the institution that marks 174 years of existence in the following year, recognitions were awarded to the best members in 2017.
The MMA Acting Head, on behalf of the MMA Management, congratulated the MMA members and their families the forthcoming New Year and Christmas holidays. 

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