Fifty Years of Acupuncture at the Military Medical Academy
06. 12. 2024
A ceremony was held in the amphitheater at the Military Medical Academy, organized by the Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Military Medical Academy, to mark 50 years of the application of acupuncture at the Military Medical Academy. The Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Military Medical Academy has existed for 76 years and two-thirds of that time has been devoted to acupuncture. It has proudly been educating generations of physiatrists for decades to raise awareness among citizens and patients about the possibilities and benefits of this type of treatment.

The ceremony was attended by former heads of the Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Military Medical Academy, as well as numerous colleagues and associates, and all those present were greeted on behalf of the Clinic by the Head of the Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Colonel Dr. Dejan Ilić. In his address, he highlighted the history of acupuncture itself, methods of training and work, as well as its application at the level of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The application of this technique, as well as the combination of knowledge of Eastern and Western medicine through various concepts and effects, is best illustrated by the impressive figure of 15,000 examinations performed annually at the Clinic itself. In his presentation, he also highlighted the good cooperation with the People's Republic of China, as well as the indication that the Department of
Traditional Chinese Medicine will be transformed into the fourth department of the Clinic (in addition to the existing three) and that it will further develop as the Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine of Serbia and the region.

As part of the celebration of half a century of acupuncture at the Military Medical Academy, two lectures were held, one on the topic of "Half a Century of Acupuncture at the Military Medical Academy" by Dr. Dejan Ilić, while the Head of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dr. Vesna Pejović, spoke more about "Acupuncture Modalities Applied in the Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation".