
Expert Meeting Dedicated to Syncope

23. 02. 2016

Within marking the MMA’s Day and 172 years of the MMA’s existence the expert meeting dedicated to syncope in the organization of the MMA’s Clinic for Cardiology was held at the amphitheatre of the Military Medical Academy. Dr Suneet Mittal, a director of the electrophysiology laboratory of the hospital "Valley" in New Jersey, USA and a Head of Pacemaker Centre of the Clinical Centre of Serbia Prof. Dr. Goran Milasinovic delivered lectures.
In his opening speech Deputy Head of the MMA Colonel Prof. Dr. Dragan Dincic recalled the history and the importance of the MMA and said that having discussed about heart today was not by chance at all because the meaning of the word heart is multifold. In physiology and ontology meaning that would be the center of life or the center of keeping it alive. Psychologically, the heart expresses love and in moral senses the truth.
- Our efforts to acquire new theoretical and practical knowledge and in that way to move i.e. to prolong the heart’s life represent the imperative for cardiologists, the victory of life, and that is a significant victory. That is a power of knowledge, said the MMA’s Deputy Head Dincic.
He pointed out that the MMA’s interventional cardiologists performed 515 percutaneous coronary interventions last year out of which 425 primary PCIs and around 60% of them were done on Wednesdays.
Colonel Prof. Dr. Dincic thanked Dr Suneet Mittal for having received cardiologists of the MMA and showed them his Clinic. He offered his assistance in the development of diagnostics-therapeutic protocols for the syncope treatment which was adopted in the USA recommendations last year and it is also being prepared to be published in the European syncope recommendations also.
- Owing to announced protocols, assistance from several companies, as well as to enthusiasm of medical staff and cooperation with the MMA’s neurologists the Military Medical Academy will provide treatment of heart rate disorders and syncope at one spot, the Department of Electrophysiology of the Clinic for Cardiology thus we will additionally unburden the Clinic for Neurology too – MMA’s Deputy Head stressed.
Prof. Dr. Goran Milasinovic delivered a lecture on prolonged heart rate control. That was one of lectures that electro physiologists in Serbia held with an idea to try to make a progress in diagnostics of patients who suffered sudden loss of consciousness.
- Out of 10 people, four experienced in their lives some kind of consciousness disorder symptoms. It could be harmless but also fatal. In one third of patients we do not know why a patient has lost his consciousness so that was our motive for integrated approach – an approach between neurology and cardiology in diagnostics of a patient. I am very glad that the MMA will be the first institution that will initiate the integrated approach which existed in the most developed countries in the world – said Prof. Milasinovic.
After that, a cardiologist and electro physiologist Dr. Suneet Mittal , who works in several hospital in the USA and is a member of numerous associations, held a lecture on experiences in heart rate monitoring.
Following this lecture, Major Dr. Ognjen Gudelj from the Clinic for Cardiology presented a clinical case report of a patient treated at the MMA, a young guardsman, 26 years old, who had syncopal attacks.
On 29th December, he was the first who was implanted a cardiac monitor, a small USB device which is inserted under the skin and it has a duration memory of three years so that heart rate could be monitored.
At the end of an event the Head of the Clinic for Cardiology of the MMA Colonel Prof. Dr Radomir Matunovic welcomed quests and lecturers and pointed out it was an important day for the cardiologists.
- Starting as of today, we officially introduced new cardiovascular procedure, a unique in our region. He thanked for the great assistance that the physicians of the MMA were provided by their colleagues, primarily from the Clinical Centre of Serbia.


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