Euroanaesthesia 2012
21. 06. 2012
Medical team of the MMA’s Clinic for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care participated in the Congress Euroanaesthesia 2012 organized by European Society of Anesthesiology (ESA) and taking place in Paris in the period June 9-12, 2012.
This annually meeting of the most important European anesthesiologists gathers a great number of participants and eminent lecturers in the field of anesthesiology.
The General Assembly of National Anesthesia Societies was held in course of the Congress where Dr. Vojislava Nešković from Military Medical Academy was proclaimed one of the eight members of the National Anesthesia Societies Committee (NASC). The NASC goals are communication and collaboration maintaining between European Society of Anesthesiology (ESA), National Anesthesia Societies and World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists (WFSA) as well as supporting the education and development of anesthesia.