Fizikalna april 2013.jpg

Educating Rehabilitation Team

12. 04. 2013

Course titled "Security Measures in Rehabilitation Practice and Clinical Care Risks" organized by MMA Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Serbian Association of Medical Nurses-Technicians in Rehabilitation and Rheumatology took place at the Military Medical Academy.
Welcome speech delivered by the head of the MMA Sector for Education and Scientific Research Colonel Prof. Dr. Predrag Romic emphasized the role of medical nurses and technicians during the complete treatment process, especially physical medicine concerning patients critically affected by disease. Head of the MMA Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Colonel Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Djurovic in his introductory lecture on tooth prosthesis and rehabilitation practice presented also the most important rules of quality healthcare reminding the guests on practical education, as well as on the improvement of scientific-research work tailored made for complete medical staff.
The lectures covering the following topics: cumulative trauma risks and prevention during the transfer of immobile patients, problematic communication problems along with patient examinations following the systems i.e. regular measurement of vital functions which were aimed at rehabilitation team expertise improvement and maintenance during the time of patient observance and returning their vital signs.

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