
‘’Doctor’s Fault and Insurance’’ at the MMA

09. 02. 2012

The Military Medical Academy hosted the continuous medical education course titled ’Doctor’s Fault and Insurance’’, which was organized in close association with the Serbian Medical Society.
The attendees had the opportunity to listen to the two lectures, the first given by the president of the Serbian Medical Society, Dr. Tatjana Radosavljević, and the second one by Asst. Prof. Dr. Đorđe Alempijević and Asst. Prof. Dr.Dragan Ječmenica from the Forensic Medicine Institute of the Belgrade Medical School. Dr. Radosavljević addressed the issue of doctor’s fault and his professional indemnity insurancein her lecture, while the other two lecturers devoted their lecture to determination of a doctor’s fault
The lecturers spoke about the circumstances under which such a fault could be made and pointed out to the fact that the public is still unaware of that problem. Taking into account the fact that the non-existence of such Protocols harm the profession itself, she reiterated that that the professional community should devote more attention to that problem. It was also announced that there would be more lectures on those issues in the near future.

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