
Demonstration Exercise "Spring 2018" Completed

24. 05. 2018

The closing demonstration exercise "Spring 2018" was held at the Training Center of Military Medical Services and the goal was to show the management of casualties and injured in emergency situations, this time in case of an earthquake. The exercise showed how military medical service is used in support of the third mission of the Serbian Armed Forces during natural disasters.
Participants of the exercise, along with teachers of the organizational units of the Military Medical Academy and the heads of the Training Center of the Military Medical Services, were also cadets of the 4th class of the MMA Medical Faculty, the University of Defense, as well as soldiers of the medical services on voluntary military service, a generation "December 2017".
The final part of the exercise was attended by the Rector of the University of Defense, Major General Prof.  Mladen Vuruna, Head of the Military Healthcare Department Colonel Dr. Ugljesa Jovicic PhD, MMA Acting Head Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic and heads of organizational units.
Speaking about the exercise, Colonel Jovicic assessed that the exercise was very seriously prepared and professionally carried out.
- Cadets have showed a high level of training and on this occasion I especially thank their teachers for preparing them for the military part of their studies. According to the exercise points, everything that is important in the management of the injured and ill in natural disasters can be seen - from preventive-medical measures to logistical support. It has turned out that we can respond to such situations at any time and that the bright future is ahead, because these young people, our cadets, our future doctors, have demonstrated a high level of professionalism and motivation - said the Head of the Military Healthcare Administration.
The Commander of the exercise, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Branko Kosevic, singled out the participation of 29 cadets and 12 soldiers of the medical service on voluntary military service having provided a support to the exercise, adding that all the necessary activities were successfully carried out in the preparation and carrying out of the exercise, thus predicted goals were achieved.
The exercise, which began on May 21st, took place at points - the departments of the light field hospital. Observers were able to tour the distribution center and the admission-triage department, to learn about the work of the preventive-medical and psychological-psychiatric medical team in the area affected by the earthquake, as well as the work of the pharmacy and the evacuation department.
On this occasion, the activities of surgical mobile teams were shown and the management of the hospitalized at the Training hospital, role 2. The last point of the presentation was an admitting point deployed on the MMA heliport, where the injured were evacuated by air - the Mi-17 helicopter.
At the same time, an exercise of the Balkan Medical Task Forces (BMTF) took place in the area of ​​the Barracks "Banjica" - an evaluation of the light field hospital. The light field hospital, donated by the Kingdom of Norway, was deployed for these purposes. Members of the military medical services from six countries - Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro, Albania and Serbia participated in.
The Commander of the light field hospital, Colonel Dr. Nikola Zec, emphasized that this was primarily a surgical hospital - there are two surgical teams in it, and it is possible to perform two to three surgeries daily and five to six smaller ones daily. The hospital has a reception-triage module, a laboratory, a diagnostic part, an intensive care unit.
The Head of the Military Healthcare Department, Colonel Jovicic, visited the modules of that hospital and wished warm welcome and successful work to representatives of the Balkan Medical Task Forces.

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