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Day of MMA Medical Faculty

03. 03. 2017

The Day of the MMA Medical Faculty of the University of Defence in Belgrade was marked at the Military Medical Academy. The event was attended by Deputy Head of the Military Healthcare Colonel Ugljesa Jovicic, vice-deans of the University of Defence, Head of the Military Academy Major General Goran Zekovic, academics, professors, and cadets.
Acting Head Col. Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic addressing the audience said that it is not by chance that Day of the Medical Faculty is marking practically the same as Day of MMA, because these two institutions are essentially inseparable. Speaking about the importance of the faculty for the future of the military healthcare service, he recalled that last year the second generation of medical lieutenants was promoted who has grown or are growing into young doctors.
- Being a doctor is not easy. The continuity in the development of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills is essential for the medical profession what our Medical Faculty makes recognizable in this region and beyond. Therefore, we are justifiably proud of you, because each class proves that you are really the best among the best achieving exceptional academic results, and that there is no need to worry about the future of the military healthcare in our country. I am sure that it will remain the same in the future - as pointed out by Prof. Dr. Vukosavljevic. He added that the MMA Medical Faculty is changing and improving, and the proof of that is the accreditation of the Higher vocational school for nurses that will enroll ten nurses from the defense system and ten self-financing students this year.
Dean of the Medical Faculty, Col. Prof. Dr. Nebojsa Jovic reminded that currently there are 157 cadets at integrated studies of medicine, 25 students at academic specialist studies, 37 at doctoral studies, and 216 on medical specializations. Among them 115 are professional military personnel from the defence system, 78 from civilian institutions and 24 from abroad.
According to him, 38 research projects have been currently realizing at the Medical Faculty MMA, and in the last year 83 scientific papers written by his colleagues were published in prestigious medical journals.
He emphasized that the Budgetary Fund of the University of Defence started working and fees for teachers and associates at the MMA Medical Faculty would be financed out of it, as well as research projects.
Graduates of specialized academic studies and MMA residents were presented diplomas and as a part of the event best papers of MMA residents and cadets published in professional journals and presented at professional meetings in the past year were delivered.


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