
Course in CT Coronary Angiography

21. 10. 2016

The continuing medical education in the field of CT coronary angiography, organized by the Association of radiology and nuclear medicine technicians of Serbia and the Institute of Radiology, Military Medical Academy, was held at the Military Medical Academy.
Accredited lectures titled "MDCT coronary angiography" were delivered by Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Sinisa Rusovic and a senior radiological technician Simo Savic from the Institute of Radiology MMA. The course participants had the opportunity to learn about the advantages of this diagnostic method through the decades of experience of MMA members, but it was also discussed about the Protocol i.e. the adequate selection and necessary preparation of patients for an examination. The limitations of these non-invasive methods such as renal failure, allergies, atrial fibrillation, and more were mentioned.

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