Coronary Care Units at MMA
30. 10. 2013
Military Medical Academy hosted the symposium "Antithrombotic Therapy and Gastrointestinal Bleeding" which was organized by the Coronary Unit Association of Serbia and MMA Clinic for Emergency Internal Medicine on October 29, 2013.
Lectures delivered by the physicians of Zemun, Nis and Belgrade Clinical Centers supported by the other eminent Serbian cardiologists and gastroenterologists included new therapeutic methods for patients suffering from acute coronary syndrome, i.e. antithrombotic and anticoagulant medications, risk factors and the latest recommendations concerning the use of acetylsalicylic acid.
During the second part, the attendees had the opportunity to hear about the most commonly used clinical medications, whilst the doctors from the MMA Clinic for Emergency Internal Medicine Lt. Col. Prof. Dr. Slobodan Obradovic and Col. Asst. Dr. Nenad Ratkovic presented gastrointestinal dyspepsia and bleeding as well as the news from world clinical practice guides. The symposium ended with patient case reports followed by the medical discussion on the most efficient therapy methods and consequence prevention.