
Cooperation between the Military Medical Academy and the Special Hospital “Sokobanja”

26. 11. 2008

 Belgrade, November 26 - The delegation of the special hospital for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of nonspecific pulmonary diseases „Sokobanja“ led by the hospital director Dr Ljiljana Isaković, visited the Military Medical Academy.

Addressing the guests, MMA deputy head Col. Prof. Dr Nikola Filipović stressed that MMA was willing to undertake any form of cooperation in the field of treatment and rehabilitation and education and professional advanced training as well. The head of the MMA Morale and Public Relations Department Dr Elizabeta Ristanović introduced the guests into the organizational structure and activities of the Military Medical Academy, achieved results, intensive international cooperation and directions this institution planned to take in the future. Prof. Dr Mirjana Životić-Vanović, the head of the Sector for Education and Scientific-Research Work spoke about scientific, research, educational and publishing activities of MMA, while acting head of the Treatment Sector Col. Assist. Prof. Dr Zoran Hajduković pointed out the results that Sector achieved in the fields of treatment of the wounded and sick, improvement of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and cooperation with civil medical institutions in the Republic of Serbia.
Afterwards, the guests were taken for a short tour of the Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Pulmonology Clinic, Clinic for Emergency and Internal Medicine and Department of Pediatrics in the course of which they had the opportunity to learn about the way those organizational units operate. Agreement on concrete modalities of cooperation that would be formalized in the form of an agreement was also reached.

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