
Concert of classical music for the MMA Daily Hospital patients

17. 01. 2018

Within the regular art therapy of the Daily Hospital of the Clinic for Psychiatry at the Military Medical Academy and the Art Brut Serbia Association, members of the Klasikum art association Masa Babic (piano) and Milos Miketic (flute) held a concert of classical music for patients.
The project of including classical music into the work of institutions such as specialized schools and hospitals aims to refine everyday life for fellow citizens or patients on long-term hospital treatment who are prevented from visiting various cultural, social or other events for various health, social or other reasons. Concerts under the slogan "Classic in a Visit" have so far been held at different locations, and the cooperation with the Daily Hospital of the MMA Psychiatric Clinic will continue on a monthly basis.
The Military Medical Academy and Art Brut Serbia association have been cooperating since 2015. Through art workshops, interested and talented patients are involved in social and cultural - artistic activities, and at the same time the presentation and evaluation of their creativity are done. The inclusion of music in fine art therapy is a unique contribution to the quality of work with this specific type of patients.

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