
Biosecirity and Biosafety Course

16. 11. 2011

The Course on biosecurity and biosafety titled „Leadership Course in Biosecurity/Biosafety Planning and Implementation’, at which Col Asst. Prof. Srđan Lazić from the Epidemiology Institute of the MMA’s Preventive Medicine Sector participated, was hold in San Antonio (U.S.A.), in the organization of the Defense Institute for Medical Operations (DIMO).
In addition to the MMA’s representative, the Course was attended by the representatives from Malaysia ( a medical officer in the rank of Brigadier General and a civilian doctor) Canada (medical offficer holding the rank of Colonel), Kenya (two civilians and a military medical officer in the rank of Major) and Lebanon (medical officer-a pharmacist holding the rank of Colonel).
The Course was taught through lectures delivered by various lecturers, exercises and biosafety levels 3 and 4 laboratory tours. The Course attendees had the opportunity to visit one of the most advanced tuberculosis hospitals and its laboratory.

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