
Bioengineering and Medical Informatics

20. 04. 2015

The symposium titled "Bioengineering and medical informatics in modern diagnostics and therapy" organized by the MMA’s Institute of Medical Research and the Medical Faculty of the University of Defense in Belgrade, under the auspices of BioEMIS TEMPUS project, will be held on 15 May 2015 at the VMA.
The aim of the meeting is to introduce a wide audience with the possibilities of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures application based on the use of the latest technical and technological solutions in the field of bioengineering and medical informatics. In addition, this event will contribute to the actualization of bioengineering and medical informatics recognition as a new educational profile that is necessary in modern medical practice.
The symposium is accredited for doctors, dentists, pharmacists and biochemists with 11 points for lecturers and 6 points for passive participation. Beside the above mentioned profiles, a target group consists of biologists, physicists and engineers of various profiles (computer science, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering).
The participation is free and the number of participants is limited to 250.
Applications should be sent to vasilijics@yahoo.co.uk no later than 12 May 2015.

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