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Art Workshop for Patients of the Daily Hospital at MMA

28. 10. 2016

Patients of the daily hospital of the Clinic for Psychiatry MMA participated in the art workshop held at the gallery Staff in Belgrade organized by the Association of Art Brut Serbia and the Military Medical Academy.
The aim of the workshop led by President of the Association Goran Stojcetovic and a painter Joskin Siljan was the creation of a joint work of art without painting accessories. The work consisted of paper formatting over 10 meters long with the suggestion that participants follow their spontaneous impulse, express inner states and experiences, and to rely in addition to vision on the sense of touch and sound. The paper was then divided into smaller pieces in order to self-observe their personal work.
Art workshops in cooperation of Art Brut Serbia and daily hospital of the Clinic for Psychiatry MMA are held in the course of patients’ treatment and have an important place in the diagnostic and psychotherapeutic treatment.

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