Appeal to Voluntary Blood Donors
28. 05. 2020
In the past two weeks, over 30 members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces voluntarily donated blood at the Institute of Transfusiology and Hemobiology of the Military Medical Academy.
The response of staff members of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, the Sector for Defense Policy, the Military Security Agency, the Center of the Medical Service of the Military Healthcare Department and others has greatly facilitated the management of patients at the Military Medical Academy. Owing to them, but also to voluntary blood donation of Belgrade and surrounding garrisons’ staff members, who in the previous period recognized the need and donated units of precious fluid, this military healthcare institution continued with uninterrupted work during the state of emergency with increased workload.
Starting from March 25, the daily needs of blood at the Military Medical Academy have been increased by almost 50 percent, and that is why we invite all voluntary blood donors to donate blood at the Institute of Transfusiology and Hemobiology of the Military Medical Academy.
Blood can be given every working day from 7.30 to 14.30, and the collected units of blood will be used for the treatment of military and civilian insured persons at the Military Medical Academy.