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Annual meeting of hematologists on stem cell transplantation

20. 11. 2017

Symposium, devoted to the complications and reasons of failure in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation organized by the Military Medical Academy Hematology Clinic, was held in the Military Medical Academy.
Acting Head of the MMA Colonel prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljević in his introductory address said that in the Military Medical Academy special importance is attached to professional success in the so-called " "3T" - transplantation, traumatology and toxicology, which he proudly emphasizes on every occasion because transplantation of hematopoietic stem cell is considered the greatest achievement in 20th century medicine. The noteworthy results in this field of modern medicine make the MMA an institution that keeps pace with the world's largest health centers. Prof. Vukosavljevic thanked the colleagues from the country and abroad for their support and assistance that would improve the work of the MMA firmly convinced that the MMA would preserve the highest quality of this treatment segment as it had been doing for the last 45 years since the first hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Head of the MMA Hematology Clinic Prof. Dr Dragana Stamatovic stressed that it is an outstanding honor to welcome numerous guests from Serbia and neighboring countries, especially Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Kroger, President of the European Association for the Transplantation and Visiting Professor of the Medical Faculty of the Medical Academy, who for the sixth time participates in the Symposium of the MMA’s hematologists. As she said, the MMA hematologists traditionally meet in November, and presenting results, they share clinical experiences, and at the same time make guidelines for future work. Professor Stamatovic also emphasized that with the binding history, which was built by the predecessors - the MMA’s transplant pioneers, the contemporaries have a great burden to keep the tradition and continue, not lagging behind the world, for the benefit of all patients.
Pointing the fact that nearly 40,000 transplants of hematopoietic stem cells are done annually in the world, out of which one third are allogenic, the complications and causes of the failure of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation were the main topics of discussion. Professor Kroger held his first lecture on ways how to deal with leukemia relapse after an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, which accounted for as much as 40 percent of the failure of transplantation, while the Symposium continued on the infectious complications, toxicity of administered drugs, and a special part was dedicated to infections.

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