
Analysis of MMA work in the previous year

01. 02. 2018

The regular annual analysis of the functional capabilities of the Military Medical Academy, presenting the results of the work in the previous year was held at the MMA. The meeting was attended by State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Bojan Jocic, Head of the Department of Organization of the Sector for Defence Policy Major General Sladjan Djordjevic, Acting Head of the Military Healthcare Department Colonel Dr. Ugljesa Jovicic, Acting Head of the Military Medical Academy Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic, Head of the Supply Department of the Material Resources Sector Colonel Nenad Ivancevic, Head of the General Logistics Department of the Material Resources Department, Colonel Stale Staletovic, Head of the Department of Healthcare of J4 Colonel Branko Cimbaljevic and representatives of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.
The work of the MMA in 2017 was analyzed at the meeting, which primarily related to the field of treatment, but also scientific research work and education. In addition, it was mentioned that there were challenges regarding the supplies and material reconstruction, drug, medical equipment and medical supplies, as well as technological modernization over the past 12 months.
Among indicators of the successful work of the MMA in the field of treatment in 2017 with 22 new methods introduced in clinical practice the restored transplantation program is one of them and continuation of cooperation with other transplant centers in the country and abroad. In addition to two liver transplants and 20 kidney transplants (6 cadaveric and 14 live donors), 60 transplants of hematopoietic stem cells were performed during the previous year, of which 33 allogeneic and 27 autologous. The previous year with a total of 24,893 surgeries also marked new surgical methods (endoscopic pulmectomy, thrombus surgery after massive pulmonary thromboembolism, cavoatrial anastomosis, successful procedures in the microsurgery of the hand, etc.), but also the application of new methods in diagnostics and therapy of internal patients such as TAVI - transarterial valve implantation, 3D echocardiography and new methods of pulmonary embolectomy. Also, an increase in the number of urgent coronarographies with 560 percutaneous coronary interventions was recorded.
With over 3 million laboratory procedures, there were a total of 29,667 hospitalized patients, and 8,670 liters of blood was collected from 16,673 voluntary blood donors at the Institute of Transfusiology and Hemobiology.
The MMA Emergency Center had 52,004 patients last year, while 3,179 surgical interventions were performed in its operating rooms, of which 549 surgical interventions were made on Wednesdays when the MMA is on duty for all citizens of Serbia. Till the end of 2017, more than 110,000 procedures were performed at the MMA Radiology Institute for 83,954 outpatients and hospitalized patients aiming at better and faster diagnosis and cutting down the waiting lists. Among others, a new 160-slice CT scanner was purchased, as well as two digital radiographic apparatus. During the previous year, 13,951 toxicological and chemical analyzes were carried out at the National Poison Control Center of the MMA, and 4,389 patients were treated.
A detailed analysis included data on the supply of medicines, medical equipment, as well as issues related to internal reorganization and logistics. The results of intensive international military cooperation, scientific research work through a large number of scientific research projects, clinical studies, various forms of professional training of medical personnel, as well as the program of continuing medical education in the Military Medical Academy were also highlighted.
It was concluded that the primary goals set at the beginning of the previous year were largely achieved with the evident progress in the vital areas of this medical institution. Plans were also made for the future, with the aim of continuous work on improving the quality of healthcare services for the benefit of all MMA patients.

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