
After a traumatic injury successfully reimplanted hand at MMA

25. 09. 2017

Reimplantation of left hand with reanastomosis - establishing the arterial and venous circulation in patient N.M (28) after a traumatic injury that involvied a partial amputation of the hand in the wrist region, was successfully done at the Military Medical Academy. The patient is in good condition and is recovering at the Clinic for Plastic Surgery and MMA Burns.
The multidisciplinary surgical team of the MMA who performed the surgery was led by Major Dr. Nikola Ostojic, from the Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Burns, Colonel Assistant Professor Dr. Ivan Marjanovic from the Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Lt Col Dr. Sasa Munitlak from the Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, and Dr. Jasmina Ivic, a senior resident in Plastic Surgery.
Seven-hour complicated surgical procedure included the reconstruction of arterial and venous blood vessels by venous autografts, as well as nerves, muscles, skin and subcutaneous tissue in the area of ​​the hand and forearm. This was also the first step in the process of reconstruction of the hand and is considered a special success in the profession due to numerous defects and risks characteristic of posttraumatic defects’ surgical treatment. In addition to high expertise and close cooperation of doctors of various specialties, such injuries require the adjustment of the complete surgical team to the required speed in assessing the injury and its complications, as well as preparation for surgery in a very short time period.
The patient will have a postoperative course, the involvement of specialists in physical medicine and other physicians for further treatment is necessary, in order to successfully establish the function of the hand and overall recovery.

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