
About Traditional Chinese Medicine in MMA

11. 07. 2018

 A lecture titled "The quantification of traditional Chinese medicine theory and the new tech of arteficial inteligence” was held at the Military Medical Academy by Prof. Dr. Zhang Huailiang from the Institute of Dermatology, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Beijing Union Medical College.
The topic of the lecture was dedicated to the integration of traditional Chinese medicine theory and the latest technical possibilities in investigating the effects of its application. The results of treatment of some of the most difficult conditions in the field of dermatology were presented. The lecture was attended by doctors from the Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and the Clinic for Skin and Sexual Diseases of the MMA, who apply the methods of treatment of traditional Chinese medicine in their work, as well as the cadet of the MMA Medical Faculty whose graduation paper would be in this field. The conclusion of the noted visit was that the continuation of cooperation in this area would be of mutual interest.

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