20th Balkan Military Medical Committee Held
19. 06. 2015
The 20th Balkan Military Medical Committee (BMMC) was held from 8th to 11th June 2015 in Thessaloniki, Greece. Representatives of the military medical services of six BMMC member countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia and Turkey) participated in the Congress having presented 250 papers, 140 oral and 110 poster presentations. The Serbian delegation of 20 members was headed by the Deputy Head of the Military Medical Academy Colonel Prof. Dragan Dincic.

The fifth meeting of the Heads of the Military Medical Services of BMMC countries and Heads of Military Medical Academies was held during the Congress and the main topic was the preventive medicine.
According to the Congress regulations, one oral and one poster presentation are always awarded from each country. Lt Colonel Dr Miroslav Dinic from the MMA’s Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseases was awarded as the best author from the Serbian delegation for oral presentation and Major Dr Aleksandar Atanaskovic from the MMA’s Clinic for General Surgery for the poster presentation.
The Balkan Military Medical Committee was founded 1995 with the aim to deepen the regional ties and improve the professional cooperation in the field of military medicine, preventive medicine, management during disasters, mental health, nursing, veterinary, clinical studies and education in the field of military healthcare. Congresses are held every year, they have a big influence on the professional communities and the best papers from the Congress are published in the Balkan Military Medical Review journal.