Professional members of the Serbian Armed Forces apply for fellowship programs through an open competition, announced by the MOD Human Resources Department. The entry requirement for the subspecialization is completed basic specialization with the minimal average success “very good”.
The healthcare workers from the Serbian medical institutions (both public and private) provided with the medical facility referral and under the condition that the subspecialization is validated by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia can be received on MMA’s subspecialization studies. Click on the Ministry of Health web presentation ( to see the subspecialization requirements and the admission procedure. The persons coming from the Serbian medical institutions must complete their fellowship training at the Military Medical Academy.
The persons who are not citizens of the Republic of Serbia can also apply for the subspecialization provided with the acceptance of the Minister of Defence.
The resident is required to pass the subspecialist exam (and to present the subspecialist thesis) six months after the completed training, at the latest. In case the exam is passed after this deadline, the specialist is obligatory to timely submit the demand for agreed delay to the respective Chair. The Graduate Studies Council in coordination with the Chair’s proposals may determinate a new deadline not longer than six months.

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